assalamualaikum w.b.t
wlupn aku tau
xbrape nk ramai yg bce belog aku ni
tp sukati aku la kn
aku peduli ape..
myb isu kali ni
mgkn akn menimbulkn kemarahan
sesetgh pihak
so first of all
sori sgt
sbb ni cume opinion aku
setiap org ade pndpt sndri kn?
so aku xde nk condemn sesape..
dh lame dh isu ni
aku ingt aku sorang jek yg pasan
tp rupeny a friend of mine
pon pasan gak
i ♥ blogwalking
kdg2 suke mnjenguk kt belog
minah2 cun,cantek n elegan
di luar sane
yg absolutely
xmcm aku
yg selekeh,
not up-to-date in fashion
n so wateva
kdg2 aku wonder laa
kbnykn minah2 cun ni
pmpuan yg brtudung
kire promoting busana muslim laa
as their choice of fashion
so friends
give a very big proud applause to them!!
proud of being muslimah,girls..
tp ade big question kt dlm pale aku
nape ek?
diorg ni suke pkai heavy make up
kdg2 melebih plak raseny
smp dh xnmpk muke sbnr dah
aku xkate aku ni baek
tp kn kite org pmpuan
xblh berhias untk org slaen dr suami kite
ape sbnrny tujuan kite pkai make up tebal2
sdgkn klu pkai bese2 pn dh nmpk lawa?
same jekla dlm kes
nk kawen n tunang
of course bkal husband kite n family diorg
dh tau sgt muke kite yg xbrp nk flawless
ttbe wkt nk tunang or sanding
pakat nk taram makeup tebal2
aku tau
mane2 pmpuan pon
even yg slalu mrasekn die xlawa
akn jd superb gorgeous lau dh makeup
tp what for??
adekah misi kite same?
untuk attract attention
org2 kt sekeliling kite?
slalu klu kt surau 2 slalu gak aku usha2 org
kdg2 aku tgk diorg amek wuduk pn
jarang nk bersihkn makeup btol2
klu plak kne eyeliner or wateva
yg kt atas muke tu waterproof??
cmane plak?
yg pkai foundation tebal2
cmane nk kne kulit plak air tu
ade bnyk cntoh kt sekeliling kite
kt area aku keje pon ramai
tp sapela kite untk tego
nnt diorg sound plak
ko bkn ustazah
xyah nk tegur2 org
aku pon xpnh ade intention nk jd ustazah k?
that's all

daa for now
yg pkai foundation tebal2
cmane nk kne kulit plak air tu
ade bnyk cntoh kt sekeliling kite
kt area aku keje pon ramai
tp sapela kite untk tego
nnt diorg sound plak
ko bkn ustazah
xyah nk tegur2 org
aku pon xpnh ade intention nk jd ustazah k?
that's all

daa for now
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