assalamualaikum w.b.t.
ttbe ari ni rse rindu kt seseorang
dh lame aku xpegang Quran yg die bg kt aku
nmpk sgt aku ni pemalas nk bce Quran
ade gak hikmah kitorang tukar Quran wkt aku nk balek dlu
agak2 die simpan lg x eh..
aku dh xingat last bile die kontek aku
die pesan
jgn tinggal solat
jgn lupe bersedekah
jgn lupe bce Quran tiap2 hari
insya Allah..
aku akn ingt sume pesan tu.
once upon a time,
kl-jakarta-->to meet my loved ones,
having short trip to bandung,
a day after,we're having a very tiring trip to jogja,
n me as always,,slept all the way there,
...n he called me 'KEBO'..
but lucky without 'iler'..heheh..
it can still put a smile on me till today,
even u're not here..
i miss u my every breath..
kl-jakarta-->to meet my loved ones,
having short trip to bandung,
a day after,we're having a very tiring trip to jogja,
n me as always,,slept all the way there,
...n he called me 'KEBO'..
but lucky without 'iler'..heheh..
it can still put a smile on me till today,
even u're not here..
i miss u my every breath..
n i'll always miss u.
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kenangan kt jogja~~photoG: mr I_M tttbe trase cm nk carik iklan yg mr I_M suke gile tiru wkt kt jogja dlu /wahaha courtesy from youtube videos |
serius..gue kangen banget deh ma loe!!
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