assalamualaikum w.b.t
feeling so bored being home alone
rase cm nak ajak mr iron man g pasar malam
tp fulus da tercekik la pulak kn
tetibe rase nak share something
aku ni takdela baek sangat
and actually
aku memang tak baek pon
it's just me being myself
and i am really myself when i'm with you
sume manusia dalam dunia ni
tak kesahla sape pon ko
mesti ko nak org respek ko kan?
kalau ko abang-mesti ko nak adek2 ko respek ko
kalau ko cikgu-mesti ko nak anak didik ko respek ko
kalo ko mak bapak-mesti ko nak anak ko respek ko
kalo ko majikan-mesti ko nak staf ko respek ko
mcm tu jugak
kalo ko nak adek-adek ko respek ko-ko mesti respek kat diorang
kalo ko nak anak murid ko respek ko-ko pon mesti respek hak diorang
kalo ko nak anak ko respek ko-ko pon mst kne respek anak-anak ko
kalo ko nak staf ko respek ko-ko kenela blaja respek diorg
aku rase
kat mane-mane pelusuk kite pegi pon
tak kesah kite ni org beso ke kecik ke
kite always hoping that people can respect who we are
but do we respect them as well?
respect ni pade pendapat aku
one person is giving and others taking
dan aku percaye
what we give that is what we'll take
manusia ni pemikiran sume tak same
lagilaa banyak tak same
kadang-kadang manusia tu slalu sangat lupe
we have to respect others for them to respect us
so sad la kn,
bile orang yang kite expect better than us
tapi tak penah respect orang pon
diorang ni just pndai tuding jari jek
bile rase orang tak respek die
pandai plak nak mengate orang
padahal die tak tengok diri die sendiri
what for if you have attitude yang suci kat luar
but you actually got ROTTEN HEART inside?
![]() |
*tq uncle google-finally i saw their heart la* |
u can assume that people always blind
just keep on looking the innocence of you
but ALLAH sees u-inside of you-
aku memang not a good person
really not
aku memang admitlaa
aku memang takde cam pmpuan-pmpuan yang budget ayu ke hape
yg budget akula pmpuan paling innocent sejagad raye ni
it's a very BIG no
janji aku live life to the fullest sudah
aku tak kacau orang ko jangan kacau aku
tapi ape cite kalau
aku dok diam tapi orang kacau aku?
it's definitely perfect time to learn how to respect others la weh..
my ink's drops ::
tik..tok..25th June da dekat..
akek gedik.